TX-NENA Executive Board Policy and Procedures
Juan J. Gomez Legacy Fund
To define the purpose and procedures for application and distribution of financial assistance to any professional in the public safety communications field who meets the requirements with a qualifying event that affects their personal life, or the life of an immediate family member.
The Juan J. Gomez Legacy Fund will be administered by the TX NENA Executive Board.
It shall be the policy of the Executive Board that:
The Juan J. Gomez Legacy Fund will be supplied by donations received via silent auction at the annual conference, and any special contributions received throughout the year.
Requests/Nominations for distributions must be submitted on the appropriate application form to the TX NENA President and Vice President.
The amount of $500 per life changing incident will be awarded, in accordance with voting procedures as outlined in the Bylaws, Article VII Section 5.1.
The following procedures shall be followed with all requests for financial assistance from the Juan J. Gomez Legacy Fund:
The person making the request, whether the recipient or someone nominating a recipient, must complete the application, available on the TX NENA website.
Once the application is received by TX NENA, it will be distributed to the Executive Board for review.
The Executive Board will have three business days to review the application.
A decision will be made no later than seven days after receipt of the application.
If the Executive Board votes to deny the request, written notice must be sent to the requestor no later than eight days after receipt of the application.
If the request is granted, the President will notify the requestor that the application has been approved, and the Treasurer will mail a check to the recipient listed in the application.
Electronic copies of all correspondence will be kept by the Secretary.
The Scholarship Committee has final responsibility for determining the scholarship recipient for each region.
Application submission does not automatically qualify as approval.
Telecommunicator Training Scholarship
This scholarship will pay the cost associated with class registration fees and/or training courses.
The beneficiaries of this scholarship will be selected by the Texas NENA Scholarship Committee.
Applicants must be TX NENA members and employed on a full or part-time basis by a public safety agency.
Verification of prior approval to attend training must be obtained before application submission.
Scholarship Details
TXNENA Scholarship Committee will review and award scholarships in a timely matter.
Amount of scholarship awarded dependent upon monies available at time of submission.
The Scholarship Committee has final responsibility for determining the scholarship recipient for each region.
Application submission does not automatically qualify as approval.
Regional Training Scholarship
This scholarship allows 9-1-1 Entities in Texas the opportunity to host training
courses that provide professional development opportunities for a region.
Approval of Scholarship application will be selected by Current Texas Nena Executive Board.
Instructors must be in good standing within the Public Safety Sector.
Course objective must benefit or pertain directly to the 9-1-1 Industry.
Quote for said training required with application submission.
Scholarship Details:
Texas NENA Executive Board will review and award scholarship in a timely manner.
Scholarship amount awarded will depend upon monies available at time of submission.
Scholarship may only award partial amount requested.
The Scholarship Committee has final responsibility for determining the scholarship recipient for each region.
Application submission does not automatically qualify as approval.
Emergency Number Professional Scholarship
This scholarship allows 9-1-1 professionals in Texas the opportunity to be reimbursed for the cost of testing for their Emergency Number Professional certification through NENA.
Approval of Scholarship application will be selected by current Texas Nena Executive Board.
Recipient must be a member of Texas NENA in good standing.
Scholarship Details:
Texas NENA Executive Board will review and award scholarship in a timely manner.
Scholarship awarded will depend upon monies available at time of submission.
Scholarship will provide reimbursement of the cost of the certification test. Testing must occur within 12 months from award of scholarship.
The Scholarship Committee has final responsibility for determining the scholarship recipient for each region.
Application submission does not automatically qualify as approval.